Volume F
This was a big and expensive machine used by only the most important big rich companies.
The important people who are lucky enough to use this type of machine call it a fax for short. |
Fallout Shelter- This article gives very detailed instructions on building a home fallout shelter. I would be willing to bet that the 1992 World Book article on the subject was shortened dramatically. No more U.S.S.R., no more nukes, after all. But stay tuned: North Korea might learn how to launch a "satellite" one day. If they do, you'd better stock up on cinder blocks, concrete, and sand.
I scoured the internet looking for my local public fallout shelter. The best information I got
was that some exist, but no public agency seems to know (or is willing to divulge) where. |
Flashbulb- In the '70s, phones were for making phone calls, so if you wanted to take a picture you had to have a camera, film, and sometimes a flashcube or flashbar. Even though a flashbar could contain up to ten flashbulbs, you still had to be choosy about the images you wanted to capture. How many photos do you want to take on your two week tour of Europe? And how many of those shots will be indoors or at night? Make sure you have room in your suitcase to hold enough flashbars because you how hard it is to find the right kind if you run out in Antwerp.
What do you do when you use up your flashcube? Throw it away.
Hey, there's plenty of glass, plastic, and tungsten on earth to last forever, right? |
Flight Attendant- "A candidate must be between 19 and 27 years old and meet normal height and weight standards. Weight must be proportional to height [...] Airlines prefer single applicants, but they accept married, widowed, or divorced persons." I guess this was before employment discrimination laws. If a potential employer ever asked me how much I weigh, you'd better believe I'd tell them I weigh enough to knock their block off!
That caption is a lie. It should say, 'Attendants must be able to hand you a plate of something that passes for food.' Really, have you ever had a fresh tossed salad on a flight? |
The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book-Childcraft International, 1979. Includes all photos and quotations.