August 29, 2012

World Book Wednesday

Volume Q

Qaddafi, Muammar El- "(1942-     ) took over the leadership of Libya's government in 1969." You get a different perspective when you can fill in the year that someone became no more. 

The tone of this article was surprisingly lighthearted.
Kinda makes you miss cheerful ol' Uncle Mo.
Quebec- The Quebec town of Asbestos got its name because the Jeffrey Mine located there was the largest asbestos mine in Canada. During my research I expected to find Asbestos had become a ghost town, all of its residents sick or dead. Instead I found that the Quebec government just approved a $58 million loan to get the mine up and running again for the next 25 years. Asbestos is generally not used in Canada and will be exported, mainly to poor countries.

This woman is making asbestos insulation at a factory in Asbestos. I wonder where she is now.

Quoits- This is a game I've never heard of, but it's supposedly similar to horseshoes. The photo, however, does not help me understand the game at all. Are those barnacles? UFOs? 

The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book-Childcraft International, 1979. Includes all photos and quotations

August 27, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Weather:::
I went out to do the laundry this morning, and it was cooler outside than it was inside the house. For the first time in a month, I turned off the AC and opened the windows!

On my reading pile:::
Nothing right now. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and haven't scheduled time for reading yet.

On my tv:::
Leave It To Beaver. It helps me with my homemaking skills.

On the menu for this week:::
No menu yet. My mother brought over several meals for us to re-heat. The other household routines are almost under control and I will start menu planning soon, I hope.

On my to do list:::


What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I taught Anthony how to make plastic lace keychains. At the rate we're going, we can probably open a keychain store by the end of the week!

Homemaking Tips:::
I put plastic wrap on the top of my fridge. When it gets grimy I just remove the plastic and throw it away instead of getting up there with a spray bottle and sponge.

Looking around the house:::
I have two huge baskets of laundry waiting for me at the back door. The house also has 'piles' again, but this is a mild breakout; there are lots of them but they are small and easy to knock out.

From the camera:::
I found this in my Cheerios. I'm amused by the simplest things.

August 22, 2012

World Book Wednesday

Volume P

Pantomime- "Pantomime is the art of acting with gestures, using no words."

In the late 70s, one may have recognized this mime as the famous and talented Marcel Marceau.
These days, mimes are just annoying people that it has become socially acceptable to beat up.

Paramedic- "Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, and several other cities and their metropolitan areas have paramedic programs." Boy am I glad other big cities have caught on to this idea. San Diego, Phoenix, and even New York have paramedics now.
These are some really clean cut guys. I was served by some paramedics recently, and none of
them were wearing caps.  They must know some good tricks for getting blood out of ties.

Phonograph- "An enlargement of the groove shows how the waves make the needle vibrate."

I used to like seeing highly magnified images of the needle and groove.  I liked knowing
how a phonograph worked. Kids today probably just want to know what a phonograph is.

Physics- "Physics students learn basic physical principles in their laboratory work. This group is studying the concept of gyroscopic recession by observing a spinning bicycle wheel."

This appears to be the same guy that taught me physics in college in the late 90s.  It
also appears to be the same physics teacher pictured in my mother's 1966 high school
yearbook. I suspect if I peeked in on a physics class today, he would be there. Are all
physics teachers the same guy? And since he knows how to stop the aging process,
why didn't he stop it before he got old?

Prehistoric Animal- This is the opening picture for an extensive article on prehistoric animals. Since its such a big article, they splurged and printed this picture in color. Too bad the 70s concept of dinosaurs was so drab; this picture would have been pretty much the same in black and white.

The caption for this picture even calls the big dino a Brontosaurus. Those don't exist. 

The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book-Childcraft International, 1979. Includes all photos and quotations

August 20, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Weather:::
Its only supposed to be in the low 90s today. That's almost chilly enough for a sweater.

On my reading pile:::
I need to read the pile of bills on my dining room table.

On my tv:::
Adam-12. Gotta love those sideburns!

On the menu for this week:::
I still haven't planned a menu, but I have a freezer full of soup and casseroles. Things are slowly getting back to normal since the baby. I can't wait to start cooking normal, healthy food again.

On my to do list:::

I have a weekly routine list that I haven't done since before the baby came. I would like to do at least half the things on the list. I'll start by making the bed.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
When I can handle doing regular stuff like cooking and showering, then I'll think about extracurricular activities.

Homemaking Tips:::
I do laundry every day (ok, not currently, but you know what I mean). Its easy to complete one load rather than do ten loads on Saturday and not finish any of them.

Looking around the house:::
I'm admiring the stereo cabinet that we spontaneously cleaned up on Saturday. We threw away some junk that had been shoved there, put away some things that had been hidden there, and DUSTED! I'm motivated to spruce up one small area every couple of days. That beats thinking about fixing the whole house and then deciding to take a nap instead.

From the camera:::
You'd think with a newborn in the house we would have a thousand pictures to post, but somehow I can't seem to use the camera while changing diapers and heating bottles. To any new moms out there: this chaotic time doesn't last forever. Hang in there; things will get back to normal.

August 13, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Weather:::
Another hot day ahead. I'm not looking forward to my electricity bill this month.

On my reading pile:::
No reading because I have three kids.

On my tv:::
No time for TV since Dad, Sister, Niece, and Nephew are still visiting from the east coast.

On the menu for this week:::
Once again, we will eat whatever I can rustle up, or whatever someone volunteers to make for us. I miss my routines but I'm really living up to the 'Just Getting By' motto!

On my to do list:::

Feed the baby. Nap.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
If I could crochet myself three extra arms...

Homemaking Tips:::
Use vinegar instead of expensive store bought rinse aid in your dishwasher. It works just as well and is cheap.

Looking around the house:::
Before I had the baby I went on a cleaning spree. The house looked really good. Since then, we've stayed on top of the laundry and dishes, but everything else has gone a little crazy. There's a clump of wilted flowers on the kitchen table that were beautiful when I received them three weeks ago. An army of storm troopers has set up camp on the living room floor. And the smallest family member always leaves his swing and play gym and blankies and diapers strewn about.

From the camera:::
I left the picture taking to a professional this weekend. Since the whole family was together, we hired our photographer friend to capture our pool/everyone's in town/meet baby party. We should have them by next week and I'll share then.

August 6, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Weather:::
Typical August: hot.

On my reading pile:::
I am sleep deprived and sometimes I don't have time to shower. No reading for me.

On my tv:::
Olympics. This is the first time in a decade that I don't have to be at work during the games. I'm really enjoying them.

On the menu for this week:::
Frozen casseroles, pizza, and breast milk. Give me a few weeks to get into a routine and I'll care more about cooking.

On my to do list:::

Doctors appointments for me and for baby, lactation consultant appointment, get ready for Dad, Sister, and kids to visit.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
No time for that for a while.

Homemaking Tips:::
Sleep when the baby sleeps.

Looking around the house:::
Laundry everywhere! Dishes everywhere! Baby bottles and burp cloths everywhere!

From the camera:::
Biggest Brother and Littlest Brother