February 11, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday

The Weather:::
Its clear now but its been a little rainy and cold.

Right Now I Am:::
Getting ready to blast this shoe shine business into superstardom! (I'm practicing thinking positively.)

A lot of my Happy Homemaker Monday answers are "not enough time," and "not this week." If I don't have time for any of these things, what is it I do all day?

On My Reading Pile:::
Nothing this week.

On My TV:::
American Idol.

Favorite Blog Post This Week:::
I have limited internet access lately so I haven't done much blog reading.

Something Fun To Share:::
My family isn't big on shopping as a leisure activity so we don't get to the mall very often. Yesterday we went without needing to (meaning we didn't have to go to ten different stores to find something in our size and at the right price). We just walked around and looked at stuff (and people). Our only purchase was a cinnamon roll for all of us to share. I suspect other families might do this kind of thing regularly but if you're a hermit like me, its a nice change of pace.

On The Menu For This Week:::
Monday- Burgundy Beef
Tuesday- Mexicanish Casserole
Wednesday- Clam Chowder
Thursday- Five Can Hotdish
Friday- Baked Tilapia
Saturday- Cuban Pork Sandwiches
Sunday- Peanut Butter Soup

On My To Do List:::
Gather up paperwork for taxes

What I am Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, or Creating:::
I finished tying my fleece blanket and I crocheted an edge on a towel. I would like to do a little more crocheting but have not been inspired yet.

Homemaking Tips:::
You don't want my tips this week! I will be reading everyone else's tips looking for help.

Looking Around The House:::
The house was too small for us when we moved in. Then we had another baby.    You can guess what my house looks like.

From The Camera:::
Nothing this week.

January 21, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday


The Weather:::
Clear and warm. Just like May.

Right Now I Am:::
Helping hubby out at the shoe shine stand.

What a mess I left at the house. I used to do lots of cleaning on Mondays but now that I help at the stand it gets backed up. Oh well; at least I don't have to look at the mess until we get home.

On My Reading Pile:::
The San Diego Reader is a free weekly newspaper. I seem to be able to make it through a few short articles by the end of the week.

On My TV:::
Sigh. American Idol.

Favorite Blog Post This Week:::
I'm still trying to catch up on blogs.

Something Fun To Share:::
I never have anything fun to share, but I have something up my sleeve. Stay tuned and I should be ready to unveil it soon...

On The Menu For This Week:::
Monday- Posole
Tuesday- Mini Meat Loaves
Wednesday- Ham and Cheese Casserole
Thursday- Italian Beef Sandwiches
Friday- Fish Sticks and Tots
Saturday- Whatever
Sunday- Oh So Good Chicken Casserole

On My To Do List:::
continue to weed out the kids outgrown clothes. I got two boxes done yesterday. I still have two dressers and four boxes to go.

What I am Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, or Creating:::
I'm thinking about finishing my unfinished projects: fleece blanket, baby quilt, and shrinky-dink lamp.

Homemaking Tips:::
I have a small spiral notebook where I keep my weekly menus. On Fridays I write next week's menu on one page. As I pick a meal, I write the things I need to shop for on the next page. When my shopping list is done I tear it out but leave the menu. Then on a Friday when I'm too busy to make a menu I can just look back and pick a pre-made one.

Looking Around The House:::
We're thinking about moving and renting out our house so now all I see are the things we need to fix. There's a hole in the bathroom ceiling, the carpet needs to be removed or replaced, paint needs to be touched up. So much work. Maybe we'll just stay. 

From The Camera:::
Nothing this week.

January 14, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday


The Weather:::
Its clear and sunny and crisp. And its been getting down to the 40s! Almost freezing!

Right Now I Am:::
Helping hubby out at the shoe shine stand.

There isn't enough time in the day to do all the things I need and want to do. I haven't blogged since November and I miss it.

On My Reading Pile:::
I finally finished the Fifty Shades Triology. I haven't had time to find something else yet.

On My TV:::
Diff'rent Strokes

Favorite Blog Post This Week:::
I haven't been online for a while.

Something Fun To Share:::
Nothing this week.

On The Menu For This Week:::
Monday- Burgundy Beef
Tuesday- Oh So Good Chicken Casserole
Wednesday- Hamburger Cabbage Casserole
Thursday- Posole
Friday- Fish Sticks and Tots
Saturday- Mini Meat Loaves
Sunday- Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Alphabet Soup

On My To Do List:::
weed out the kids outgrown clothes

What I am Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, or Creating:::
I'm tying the edges of a fleece blanket. I've been working on it for a month and a half. I haven't made much progress.

Homemaking Tips:::
Utilize your slowcooker! Whenever we have something to do in the evening, we always have a slow cooker meal so that its ready as soon as we get home. It saves time and its ready when you are.

Looking Around The House:::
Its messy from the weekend but we've been getting rid of clutter so its not so bad. We've eaten dinner at the kitchen table for two weeks straight because there's not any junk on it!

From The Camera:::
Nothing this week.