The Weather:::
Its clear and sunny and crisp. And its been getting down to the 40s! Almost freezing!
Right Now I Am:::
Helping hubby out at the shoe shine stand.
There isn't enough time in the day to do all the things I need and want to do. I haven't blogged since November and I miss it.
On My Reading Pile:::
I finally finished the Fifty Shades Triology. I haven't had time to find something else yet.
On My TV:::
Diff'rent Strokes
Favorite Blog Post This Week:::
I haven't been online for a while.
Something Fun To Share:::
Nothing this week.
On The Menu For This Week:::
Monday- Burgundy Beef
Tuesday- Oh So Good Chicken Casserole
Wednesday- Hamburger Cabbage Casserole
Saturday- Mini Meat Loaves
Sunday- Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Alphabet Soup
On My To Do List:::
weed out the kids outgrown clothes
What I am Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, or Creating:::
I'm tying the edges of a fleece blanket. I've been working on it for a month and a half. I haven't made much progress.
Homemaking Tips:::
Utilize your slowcooker! Whenever we have something to do in the evening, we always have a slow cooker meal so that its ready as soon as we get home. It saves time and its ready when you are.
Looking Around The House:::
Its messy from the weekend but we've been getting rid of clutter so its not so bad. We've eaten dinner at the kitchen table for two weeks straight because there's not any junk on it!
From The Camera:::
Nothing this week.
Love Burgundy beef, yum :)
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with your homemaking tip about the slow cooker.
Hope you have a great week.