The Weather:::
Clear and warm. Just like May.
Right Now I Am:::
Helping hubby out at the shoe shine stand.
What a mess I left at the house. I used to do lots of cleaning on Mondays but now that I help at the stand it gets backed up. Oh well; at least I don't have to look at the mess until we get home.
On My Reading Pile:::
The San Diego Reader is a free weekly newspaper. I seem to be able to make it through a few short articles by the end of the week.
On My TV:::
Sigh. American Idol.
Favorite Blog Post This Week:::
I'm still trying to catch up on blogs.
Something Fun To Share:::
I never have anything fun to share, but I have something up my sleeve. Stay tuned and I should be ready to unveil it soon...
On The Menu For This Week:::
Monday- Posole
Tuesday- Mini Meat Loaves
Wednesday- Ham and Cheese Casserole
Saturday- Whatever
Sunday- Oh So Good Chicken Casserole
On My To Do List:::
continue to weed out the kids outgrown clothes. I got two boxes done yesterday. I still have two dressers and four boxes to go.
What I am Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, or Creating:::
I'm thinking about finishing my unfinished projects: fleece blanket, baby quilt, and shrinky-dink lamp.
Homemaking Tips:::
I have a small spiral notebook where I keep my weekly menus. On Fridays I write next week's menu on one page. As I pick a meal, I write the things I need to shop for on the next page. When my shopping list is done I tear it out but leave the menu. Then on a Friday when I'm too busy to make a menu I can just look back and pick a pre-made one.
Looking Around The House:::
We're thinking about moving and renting out our house so now all I see are the things we need to fix. There's a hole in the bathroom ceiling, the carpet needs to be removed or replaced, paint needs to be touched up. So much work. Maybe we'll just stay.
From The Camera:::
Nothing this week.