October 22, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

Feel free to use :)

The Weather:::
It rained yesterday and overnight!!!!!! It was wonderful. Its supposed to be rainy through tomorrow. Yeah!

Right now I am: 
At the shoe shine stand with Napoleon. I'm almost done with paperwork here.

What comes next for the shoe shine stand? How do we grow the business?

On my reading pile:::
I finished Fifty Shades of Grey yesterday. The unsatisfactory ending forces you to read the next one in the series so I guess I will have to get ahold of that.

On my tv:::

On the menu for this week:::
We got busy and didn't do any shopping again this week. My mother just happened to give me a pork roast so at least we have dinner for tonight.
On my to do list:::
Make a menu, shop

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I have a bunch of projects I want to work on, but I haven't been able to squeeze anything in.

Homemaking Tips:::
Throw away your plastic storage containers when they no longer serve you. If the lid is missing or its a size you just don't use, get rid of it. You don't need the clutter.

Looking around the house:::
Messy! I can't seem to keep the house clean if we do anything outside of our regular routine. Its time to do some major decluttering. Our poor pet slug hasn't seen daylight for awhile because there's too much junk piled around his house.

From the camera:::
I really should get my camera out...


  1. I tell you I must be one of the few that couldn't stand Fifty Shades of Grey LOL

    Great tip, I often have tons of containers laying around with no lids in sight, should just get rid of them.

  2. I'm with you there Sandra. I don't know what all the hype is about. Maybe we are abnormal? Nay, I don't think so.
