January 2, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather in my neck of the woods:
Clear as a bell.

Things that make me happy:  
New beginnings.

Book I'm reading:
The Egypt Game, another of my son's Christmas gifts.

What's on my TV today:  
Super Why, the best little kid show ever.

On the menu for dinner:
I forgot to think about that. I'll see what we have after I clean the kitchen.

On my To Do List:
Weekly Home Blessing Hour
Get reacquainted with Flylady

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Pizza Fondue. We went to a fondue potluck for New Years Eve and everyone LOVED this. It was so easy, too.

In the craft basket:
When I can find my craft basket, I'll let you know.

Looking forward to this week:
Everyone goes back to work and school!!!!!
Tips and Tricks:
I've mentioned her many times before: www.Flylady.net. If you don't know where to start to keep the chaos in your house away, give her a try.

My favorite blog post this week: 

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Nothing new this week

Lesson learned the past few days:
If you don't do any housework, no housework gets done.

On my mind:
Getting things under control. My house is still a disaster since the holidays. I want my routines back.

1 comment:

  1. I can't do Flylady, I remember years ago I tried it and I just felt so overwhelmed I gave up LOL

    I'm with you, after the holidays I just want my house back to normal :)

    Happy New Year :)
