April 30, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather:::
We're having typical San Diego May Gray. Only problem I have with that is that it's still April.

On my reading pile:::  
I think I'm still reading The Last Unicorn, but I don't remember the last time I actually sat down to read.

On my TV:::
Maybe Leave It To Beaver. I have a theory: If kids go bad because they play violent video games and see sex on TV, then if I show my kids wholesome old sitcoms, they will grow up to be just like those characters. Of course I would give them guidance when it comes to characters like Eddie Haskell.

On the menu for this week:::
Monday- Lentils with Sausage
Tuesday- Hamburger Helper
Wednesday- Anthony's birthday party at Grammy's
Thursday- Roasted Chicken and Kasha
Friday- Fish Sticks and Tater Tots
Saturday- Chicken Tomatillo Casserole
Sunday- Quicky Mexican Casserole

On my to do list:::
I have about two months left until Baby, so its time to start nesting. First I have to do the regular stuff like dishes and laundry. Then I will check out FlyLady to see if she has any guidance in preparing for a new family member.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Still working on the Pooh latch hook kit. Just a few rows to go and I will have completed a twelve year project!

Looking around the house:::
Messy! I take boxes to Goodwill once or twice a month but I still have junk coming out of my ears. I'm going to secretly throw a bunch of stuff out when certain family members aren't home.

From the camera:::
I was hoping to have a photo of my finished Pooh project this week, but I have five more rows to go. Next week, I promise!

Something fun to share::: 
Hubby and I are going on a weekend getaway. We don't have the time or money to go somewhere far, so to make it seem like its farther, we are taking a train. It will take us twice as long as if we were to drive so we can pretend we got twice as far away!

April 25, 2012

World Book Wednesday

Volume C

Calculator- "Manufacturers produce both large, desk-top electronic calculators and pocket-sized models."
From the looks of this desk-top model, the 'complex' operations
might include adding a whole series of numbers.

This pocket calculator is also called a minicalculator.
People in the 70s must have had some really big pockets.

Charles, Prince- According to the article, this young prince is very well educated, an accomplished pilot, served his country in the Royal Navy, and is heir to the throne of England. What girl could resist all that? I wonder what lucky girl will win him? Imagine what a fairy tale life she will lead!

Handsome and eligible!

Chavez, Cesar Estrada- A Mexican-American that fought for farm workers rights through unions and non-violence. He was just an encyclopedia blip in 1978; California would name a state holiday for him in about fifteen years.

California school children's excuse to stay home from school.
Sí se puede!

Chihuahua- "is the largest state in Mexico."
Chihuahua- "is the smallest breed of dogs."

The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book-Childcraft International, 1979. Includes all photos and quotations.

April 23, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather:::
Drizzly. Just enough to keep everything wet and dangerous.

On my reading pile:::  
The Last Unicorn. I seem to be re-re-reading all of my old favorites. I really need to get to the library.

On my TV:::
I'm going to try to take my life back from the television. What did it ever do for me anyway?

On the menu for this week:::
Monday- Crockpot Beef and Barley
Tuesday- Swedish Ham in Sherried Cream
Wednesday- Quicky Mexican Casserole
Thursday- Cheesy Chicken Tenders
Friday- Fish Sticks and Tater Tots
Saturday- Leftovers
Sunday- Bratwurst

On my to do list:::
Nothing outside my regular routine.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I finally asked my husband to get my craft box out of the garage. I think I haven't been working on anything because I didn't have any supplies handy. In the box I found a Winnie-the-Pooh latch hook kit that I started years ago with the intention of making it for my new baby. Well, that baby is almost twelve now and was gracious enough to allow me to give it to our newest baby (that is, if I ever finish it.)

Looking around the house:::
I don't wanna look!

From the camera:::
No pix this week. We were too busy messing up the house to take any.

Something fun to share::: 
We got big boy underwear for Bobby this weekend. It would be so cool to get him out of diapers before we have to start buying them for the new baby.

April 18, 2012

World Book Wednesday

Volume B

Bavaria- "Bavaria is a state in southeastern West Germany."

Wouldn't it be easier to just say southern Germany?
Oh yeah, this is back when there were two Germanys, the wonderful West and the evil East. 

Birth Control- "Young couples often postpone having children so the wife can work and add to the family income." Oh, to live in a time when it was assumed that once a couple had children, Mother would be at home.

Bridge- "Contract bridge is the most popular form of the game. But an older form known as auction bridge is still played to some extent." No bridge is played to any extent these days. I guess when all Mother has to do is stay home with the children, she (and three friends) have time to learn and play complicated card games.

The Bridge article is over two pages long. This illustration did not help me understand the rules.
The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book-Childcraft International, 1979. Includes all photos and quotations.

April 16, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather:::
Clear and cool. Beautiful weather!

On my reading pile:::  
The World Book Encyclopedia. I'm doing research for World Book Wednesday. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

On my TV:::

On the menu for this week:::
I have been so busy on the weekends that I haven't been doing any menu planning or shopping. I need to get back to my routine.

On my to do list:::
Plan a menu, go shopping. Strange, that's the same to do list I had last week.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Nothing right now. Got to get on track with my responsibilities.

Looking around the house:::
Dishes. There are always dishes. And things are a little messy. I need a personal assistant.

From the camera:::
Anthony is fascinated with the cat. (The cat is not so impressed with Anthony.)

Something fun to share::: 
There's a bunch of free offers for tax day. Do a search for free stuff in your area. We deserve a treat!